How to draw Manga and color comics panel step by step tutorial.
Here are another panel from the up coming Manga (color), I also try to add some element of typical Anime element into the style. I renamed it to "Kapow Express", just to randomize the name other than using Shanghai.
I experiment with black and white and decide to do it in color because I like them painted. :)
I am a bad inker, but I do get away with scribble color.
The whole Manga drawing and painting style I am still experimenting...The drawing, I want to maintain stylize and expressive, not realistic in visual. The color, I want it to be kind of washed out, like old piece of paper...photograph using simple color and still can see thru some sketchy pencil lines. Also I want the color to be a bit childlike and have pastel or soft look to them. Though, these are some thought at the moment and of the scene.
*There maybe some panel that could be different and more serious and realistic. If you read enough Manga, some do ulternate...depending on the mood.
But here are step by step drawing and painting Manga comics panel:


This is almost done, I still have to quickly paint the dude and some backdrop.
Related posted:
-Draw Manga Comics panel video
-Manga comics thumbnails page layout process
-Page 1 and 2 panel layouts, the lost project "Shanghai Express"
Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet
(new from Wacom!) Economy for everyone.
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Professional software)
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.
New tutorials:
-How to draw Manga male face
-Manga tutorials draw facial expression mad or angry girl face
-How to draw face of demonic creature Asura
-How to sketch a Sorcerer Pink

-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie
** If you have any basic questions or specific please looked up Q/A section. Most of the time your questions has already been answered in Q/A.
If you need any help or support you can
-post questions or comment on the post (seems to be the fastest way to get response)
Here are another panel from the up coming Manga (color), I also try to add some element of typical Anime element into the style. I renamed it to "Kapow Express", just to randomize the name other than using Shanghai.
I experiment with black and white and decide to do it in color because I like them painted. :)
I am a bad inker, but I do get away with scribble color.
The whole Manga drawing and painting style I am still experimenting...The drawing, I want to maintain stylize and expressive, not realistic in visual. The color, I want it to be kind of washed out, like old piece of paper...photograph using simple color and still can see thru some sketchy pencil lines. Also I want the color to be a bit childlike and have pastel or soft look to them. Though, these are some thought at the moment and of the scene.
*There maybe some panel that could be different and more serious and realistic. If you read enough Manga, some do ulternate...depending on the mood.
But here are step by step drawing and painting Manga comics panel:



This is almost done, I still have to quickly paint the dude and some backdrop.

-Draw Manga Comics panel video
-Manga comics thumbnails page layout process
-Page 1 and 2 panel layouts, the lost project "Shanghai Express"
Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Professional software)
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.
New tutorials:
-How to draw Manga male face
-Manga tutorials draw facial expression mad or angry girl face
-How to draw face of demonic creature Asura
-How to sketch a Sorcerer Pink
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie
** If you have any basic questions or specific please looked up Q/A section. Most of the time your questions has already been answered in Q/A.
If you need any help or support you can
-post questions or comment on the post (seems to be the fastest way to get response)
How are you going to do the enviroments? Like an establishing shot?
I want to try to draw some pages for myself too, so I'm curious.
Looking forward to the rest of the manga :)
But we do have one post on the establishing shots:
Luca>> Thanks man! :) White is the new theme for idrawgirls v2.0 I am making with open-source content management program (joomla). So I think I am making it white here first until I am finishing the new site so you guy will get used to the same theme.
Also, it is a lot softer on your eyes. :)
But if you are done with the new site, I'll try to get the community site in the same style to make both fit more with each other.
As for the name for the comic, if you decide to go for black and white, you could call it Hakka Express. Since there traditional clothing was mainly black also. ;)
But the Hakka are more from the south coast. I assume this comic is more to the north, taken the previous name.
luca> Yep, it will be more organize and better index so it's easier to find tutorial. But I will still keep the blog.
Imaginatoon> Thanks you, welcome back any time. there will be more. :)
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