Figure painting from life step by step. Painting from life session last night update. didn't turn out to be like what I expected. I might have gone too far and forget to simplify at some point. I will write more about it later. But for are the paintings.

New Drawing Video tutorials:-Drawing Arm muscle bicep, tricep and shoulder
-Drawing body muscle and abs shading and render
-Painting from life session step by step tutorial
-Manga tutorial drawing background
-Draw mutiple manga characters

-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie didn't turn out to be like what I expected. I might have gone too far and forget to simplify at some point. I will write more about it later. But for are the paintings.
This one is before final

New Drawing Video tutorials:-Drawing Arm muscle bicep, tricep and shoulder
-Drawing body muscle and abs shading and render
-Painting from life session step by step tutorial
-Manga tutorial drawing background
-Draw mutiple manga characters
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie
>thanks< ;)
Thanks for the downloads man, look forward to viewing them.
I would just like to say how helpful and informative your website is. Your tutorials are awesome as your artistic skills also.
My current question is what is the document size (width/height) do you start with usually? Like I said, I "somehow" figured out how to get that pencil or charcoal or graphite effect but it's mostly for medium to low resolution images. But when I try to bump up the image size, the brush effect slowly disappears as well.
Thank you in advance. You were somehow my wake up call. I've been away from the pen and pencil for a long time.
Here's to hoping I get good at this again.
PS. I initially sent this question via email. Sorry!
Also amazing how much difference the red/orange highlight really makes on that final layer.
Could use some chinese zombies though ;)
Luca> Thanks bro, it's been a while since I painted life.
Chris> Thanks for the crit...I felt the's real difficult in life session to capture and take it all the way to finish in time. At least only if I could make it look polish would be good enough. Next time. Thanks for the compliment also...
Anonymous> Simple...if you want to see your brush texture... use BIGGER brush size. Use them according to your canvas size. Doesn't really matter what size you start off with...key is what size you want your final to end with. I usually end with 500 x I work x2 or x3 bigger. But when I start of as thumb...I do 500 x 700 then bigger as I refine. Paint more, then you will know more, that's all I can say.
Good luck!
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