Digital Painting WORKSHOP Concept Art Master Class with Daniel Dociu May 3-7, 2010. All week long course!
Hand-on training under the most proficient visionary art director, Daniel Dociu.
Great opportunity for any of you who are local to Seattle area and around the Pacific coast. :)
Come join Daniel Dociu (Chief Director NCsoft West) for this week-long Digital Illustration Class. Daniel will provide a glimpse into his artistic process through lecture and in-class demonstrations. Students are encouraged to work on their own illustrations and will recieve in-class critiques. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a true digital art master of the decades.
Yeah, I have to promote my own boss workshop. Not many times he will actually hold a workshop so...if any of you get a chance, DO IT! Register Here: Daniel Dociu Concept Art Master Class Workshop
Go watch his video interview I record a while back, How to get into the video game industry (interview with Daniel Dociu).
数字绘画工作坊概念艺术大师班与丹尼尔多丘5月3日至七日,2010年 。为期一周的全部过程!
伟大的机会,谁是你们中的任何地方到西雅图地区和周围的太平洋海岸。 :)
前来参加这次为期一周的数码插图类丹尼尔多丘(西NCsoft公司行政总监)。 丹尼尔将提供一个把他的艺术的过程中,通过演讲和一流的示威可见一斑。 鼓励学生对自己的工作,插图,并会得到一流的批评。 这是一个难得的机会,学习真正的数位艺术大师的几十年。
Here are a few of Daniel's work (copyright Daniel Dociu)

Register here: Daniel Dociu Concept Art Master Class Workshop powered by FuturePoly.
FYI: FuturePoly is also working on Live Stream workshop for those of you who is far far away so that everyone will get equal opportunity to see masters at work. It coming soon, I know I know some of you really want the live stream to happen now...but patience is a virtue. Best of luck! :)
Visit him at:
More videos are coming soon :)

Hand-on training under the most proficient visionary art director, Daniel Dociu.
Great opportunity for any of you who are local to Seattle area and around the Pacific coast. :)
Come join Daniel Dociu (Chief Director NCsoft West) for this week-long Digital Illustration Class. Daniel will provide a glimpse into his artistic process through lecture and in-class demonstrations. Students are encouraged to work on their own illustrations and will recieve in-class critiques. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a true digital art master of the decades.
Yeah, I have to promote my own boss workshop. Not many times he will actually hold a workshop so...if any of you get a chance, DO IT! Register Here: Daniel Dociu Concept Art Master Class Workshop
Go watch his video interview I record a while back, How to get into the video game industry (interview with Daniel Dociu).
数字绘画工作坊概念艺术大师班与丹尼尔多丘5月3日至七日,2010年 。为期一周的全部过程!
伟大的机会,谁是你们中的任何地方到西雅图地区和周围的太平洋海岸。 :)
前来参加这次为期一周的数码插图类丹尼尔多丘(西NCsoft公司行政总监)。 丹尼尔将提供一个把他的艺术的过程中,通过演讲和一流的示威可见一斑。 鼓励学生对自己的工作,插图,并会得到一流的批评。 这是一个难得的机会,学习真正的数位艺术大师的几十年。
Here are a few of Daniel's work (copyright Daniel Dociu)
Register here: Daniel Dociu Concept Art Master Class Workshop powered by FuturePoly.
FYI: FuturePoly is also working on Live Stream workshop for those of you who is far far away so that everyone will get equal opportunity to see masters at work. It coming soon, I know I know some of you really want the live stream to happen now...but patience is a virtue. Best of luck! :)
Visit him at:
More videos are coming soon :)
I wish I could come.
Caiio> Ha ha, The FuturePoly guys are doing that and hopefully it will turn out soon enough. I will keep you guys post.
Andrew> Me too, Daniel's work is extremely badass!
Great to see he is helping people nonetheless.
You're my master class atm Xia XD.
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