Digital painting tutorial Lady White Snake. Finally I have some time to finish up my version of Lady White Snake or Madam White Snake.
Just found some quote from lady white snake Chinese opera "The old tales of China tell us that all things may grow and change. A stone may become a plant. A plant may become an animal. An animal may become a human. A human may become a god.
Just so, a snake may become a woman. And we are told of one who did.
Who can say for sure how it began? Yet after centuries of ceaseless effort—meditating, disciplining herself, mastering the energies of the universe—this white snake took human form. Immortal now and with great powers, she longed for one thing more.
Human love."
—From Lady White Snake
The finish painting continue from the previous step by step post here, using sketch to create illustration. It is still very difficult for me to make a finished or refine illustration. Personally I like them unfinished and loosely paint. This one almost turn out that I expected but I think I went a bit too far on my taste on rendering. Well, I could say that to all my paintings. I am just always looking for the way to make it as good as I wanted it to be. It is hard. On the bright side, this painting is by far has the most emotional connection between the characters compare to any paintings I've done in the past. Most of them lack emotion which I should convey more in my up coming paintings. Most of the time I am just thinking more in term of execution and technique. I have never really look at the emotional side of art. It is somehow very difficult for me because I am personally not that emotional, I have to dig really deep to see it in me. I am not stone cold but I am just not an emotional person. I think 60% of me is logic, 35% is crazy and 5% feeling. So I will have to explore more on that side, maybe possibly it will make me a better artist. ;-)
Anyway, here is a finished version of lady white snake.
Here is a bigger one

Download full size here Lady white snakeJust found some quote from lady white snake Chinese opera "The old tales of China tell us that all things may grow and change. A stone may become a plant. A plant may become an animal. An animal may become a human. A human may become a god.
Just so, a snake may become a woman. And we are told of one who did.
Who can say for sure how it began? Yet after centuries of ceaseless effort—meditating, disciplining herself, mastering the energies of the universe—this white snake took human form. Immortal now and with great powers, she longed for one thing more.
Human love."
—From Lady White Snake
The finish painting continue from the previous step by step post here, using sketch to create illustration. It is still very difficult for me to make a finished or refine illustration. Personally I like them unfinished and loosely paint. This one almost turn out that I expected but I think I went a bit too far on my taste on rendering. Well, I could say that to all my paintings. I am just always looking for the way to make it as good as I wanted it to be. It is hard. On the bright side, this painting is by far has the most emotional connection between the characters compare to any paintings I've done in the past. Most of them lack emotion which I should convey more in my up coming paintings. Most of the time I am just thinking more in term of execution and technique. I have never really look at the emotional side of art. It is somehow very difficult for me because I am personally not that emotional, I have to dig really deep to see it in me. I am not stone cold but I am just not an emotional person. I think 60% of me is logic, 35% is crazy and 5% feeling. So I will have to explore more on that side, maybe possibly it will make me a better artist. ;-)
Anyway, here is a finished version of lady white snake.
Lady white snake
Here is a bigger one
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