Video Game job and career choice advice, tips : interview withn Aaron Coberly on getting your foot in the door.
How to get into Video Game Company: job and career choice advice. Getting your foot in the door for aspiring young Artist. Some great advice and tips from one of the best artists around, Aaron Coberly
An exclusive interview with ArenaNet (Guild Wars) Lead Character Artist: Aaron Coberly.
He also has done illustrations for a variety of publications, including the late lamented "Rocket" (the Kurt Cobain cover was his), and "Movie Maker", Aaron is a member of the Puget Sound Group of Northwest Painters.
Here are some of his Art work (They are all Oil on Canvas: From life models):

Copyright Aaron Coberly
Another response Video to many e-mails asking for art advice, career advice, tips, and all around video game industry questions. How to start? What's it like?
So I decide to conduct a few interviews with many high profile concept artists and art director so that it will inspire young soul and give you a bit of insight of what it takes to be in the Video Game industry.
Some great advice and tips from ArenaNet lead character design artist, Aaron Coberly.
Visit him at
An exclusive interview with ArenaNet (Guild Wars) Lead Character Artist: Aaron Coberly.
He also has done illustrations for a variety of publications, including the late lamented "Rocket" (the Kurt Cobain cover was his), and "Movie Maker", Aaron is a member of the Puget Sound Group of Northwest Painters.
Here are some of his Art work (They are all Oil on Canvas: From life models):

Copyright Aaron Coberly
Another response Video to many e-mails asking for art advice, career advice, tips, and all around video game industry questions. How to start? What's it like?
So I decide to conduct a few interviews with many high profile concept artists and art director so that it will inspire young soul and give you a bit of insight of what it takes to be in the Video Game industry.
Some great advice and tips from ArenaNet lead character design artist, Aaron Coberly.
Visit him at
Id love to have heard more about his painting, maybe a couple tips on working with oils etc..
But good stuff Xia! Keep em coming!
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