Draw and paint man anatomy review.
I was doing some study on male anatomy and muscle structure review for myself so that I can somehow apply and improve my painting technique and skill. Anyway, I thought it would be cool if I make it a mere stylize body rather than realistic and still maintain the realistic muscle structure.
Here are some of the video that might help you, go watch Character Design Face Male Merchant Character, or Drawing Male Face Swordman and Learn how to draw and paint face. After you watch these three videos, you should be able to get the idea on constructing a facial structure and stuff.
And the following videos should help you with male anatomy study: Drawing body muscle torso anatomy and Drawing arm muscles bicep tricep I know they are short, but they are very useful for drawing body and muscle.

Some video that might be helpful: Male anatomy drawing and rendering (shading)
FEATURE TUTORIALS: *Over 60 minutes to 2 hours of video.

-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie
Oh and some GW concept art here:

I was doing some study on male anatomy and muscle structure review for myself so that I can somehow apply and improve my painting technique and skill. Anyway, I thought it would be cool if I make it a mere stylize body rather than realistic and still maintain the realistic muscle structure.
Here are some of the video that might help you, go watch Character Design Face Male Merchant Character, or Drawing Male Face Swordman and Learn how to draw and paint face. After you watch these three videos, you should be able to get the idea on constructing a facial structure and stuff.
And the following videos should help you with male anatomy study: Drawing body muscle torso anatomy and Drawing arm muscles bicep tricep I know they are short, but they are very useful for drawing body and muscle.

Some video that might be helpful: Male anatomy drawing and rendering (shading)
FEATURE TUTORIALS: *Over 60 minutes to 2 hours of video.
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie
Oh and some GW concept art here:
I can't wait to see what crazy armors end up in gw2, collecting the ones in the first gw has always been good fun for me. Do you think this time around the armors will be able to have fully 3-D adornments? I'm referring to the assassin armor daggers or the paragon shoulder "wings" that seem completely flat in GW.
Hey i have a question.. how did you put (under the header) all the thumbnails linking to the posts??? i wanted to do that and dont know how!! is that a widget?? or what is it?
Chris> Thanks bro, love Duke Nukem. The project is now...me getting a Mac setup and learning Obj C and Xcode. Next post I will try post it in Mac. LOL.
As for GW2, I have no comment. :)
Knuckle> Thanks brother!
Luca> Thanks brother, I try to dig out some more little by little. :)
Chobed> Thanks brother. Those thumbs, it's easy as long as you know JavaScript and HTML and go in to the XML code template then tweak it. But for me it took a while to figure that out and I already forgot. :)
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