how to paint waterfall landscape tutorial. How to draw and paint landscape waterfall environmental concept scene digital painting video demo. This step by step video show you from lay down the base color,
blocking in shape for painting to create under-painting then assigning value and color composition, and refining detail for the final concept painting.
Final image (Click to enlarge)

Here is a video process "painting waterfall"
FREE download, Photoshop custom brushes!
New tutorials:
blocking in shape for painting to create under-painting then assigning value and color composition, and refining detail for the final concept painting.
1) lay down the base color
2) blocking in shape for painting
3) assigning value and color composition
4) Establishing focal elements.
5) Finishing and refining for the final concept painting.Final image (Click to enlarge)

Here is a video process "painting waterfall"
FREE download, Photoshop custom brushes!
New tutorials:
-Drawing Emma Watson as Battle Angel Alita (Gully).
-How to draw Battle Angel (pencil, Step 1)
-How to draw Manga style Chun Li
-Drawing and Painting Chun Li: Kristen Kreuk
-Drawing DragonBall: Goku
-How to draw Naruto: Haku
-How to draw girl: Redhead Female
-How to draw Dragon
-How to draw Batgirl
-How to Draw Iron Man (Speedpainting)
-How to Draw Batman
-How to Draw Joker
-How to Draw Hellboy
More Face tutorials:
-Drawing and painting woman face 3/4 front view
-How to draw Battle Angel (pencil, Step 1)
-How to draw Manga style Chun Li
-Drawing and Painting Chun Li: Kristen Kreuk
-Drawing DragonBall: Goku
-How to draw Naruto: Haku
-How to draw girl: Redhead Female
-How to draw Dragon
-How to draw Batgirl
-How to Draw Iron Man (Speedpainting)
-How to Draw Batman
-How to Draw Joker
-How to Draw Hellboy
More Face tutorials:
-Drawing and painting woman face 3/4 front view

Photoshop Tutorial:
-Photoshop: Making color palette for illustration
-Photoshop Work flow and Keyboard Short Cut or hotkeys
-Setting up Wacom Brush tool
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #1
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #2
Thanks for all the e-mails and comment guys!!!
Feel free to comment and if you have any question about how to draw and such. Do not hesitate to post any question, I will try my best to answer any question about art as much as possible.
ALSO if you want to see the BLOG update more often and not DISAPPEAR from the INTERNET, PLEASE help US DIGG, STUMBLE, TECHNORATI, send them to friend!!!!!
Photoshop Tutorial:
-Photoshop: Making color palette for illustration
-Photoshop Work flow and Keyboard Short Cut or hotkeys
-Setting up Wacom Brush tool
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #1
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #2
Thanks for all the e-mails and comment guys!!!
Feel free to comment and if you have any question about how to draw and such. Do not hesitate to post any question, I will try my best to answer any question about art as much as possible.
ALSO if you want to see the BLOG update more often and not DISAPPEAR from the INTERNET, PLEASE help US DIGG, STUMBLE, TECHNORATI, send them to friend!!!!!
i was looking for tutorials and to learn sketching and drawing .. i saw ur vdeo on and had to visit ur blog... I saw all of ur character tutorials .. and cant wait to c more .. DUDE u rock ... where can i find ur name and stuff .. atleast i shud know who is my mentor ..
Oh and yes .. do a tutorial for TOMB raider lara croft (angelina jolie) .. that wud be awesome ..
k man take care .. keep it up ..
Look on the right side menu, there should be a tutorial on how to make them.
And your blog it's a treasure (mainly for character.), a free treasure ^^
Donno, try youtube or any art forum...good luck and see you around.
I quite jealous.. but then again, I never want to do realistic art (not saying I'm not capable, but...maybe if I practiced I might get good at it)
I'm quite envious of Photoshop users of their range of brushes.. it's quite difficult to get an equivelent effect in sai... but then again.. we have a watercolor and a [BLEEP]ing PROPER blur brush, so HA!!!
...... really fantastic work, I must say.. I'm currently needing to draw waterfalls, soooooo......
And I've a question, maybe someone else already asked it somewhere... but well, which layer and/or brush modes do you use for such environmental drawings?
Kyu> Thank you, I guess my mission is accomplished. :) As for your question... on the right column of the blog you will see Q/A in the scroll bar MENU look there, and below the scroll bar MENU there are also more info in various topics.
Good luck and read on! :)
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