How to draw step by step video tutorial: Drawing and Painting Demo: Kristin Kreuk as Chun Li in Legend of Chunli. Learn how to draw face girl woman or female facial and figure Video tutorial.
Speed painting of Kristin Kreuk as Chun Li. It actually took me about an two hours or so. This is a fast forward version: I will make more detail videos of three parts with narration in depth later. But for now enjoy the video Demo
Learn how to draw for comics, realistic, Cartoon, games, concept, illustration, anime, manga learn how step by step from drawing realistic face online lesson.
Music by Third Zombie Promo: Stazi
Here is a final piece: (Click to enlarge)

Here is a speedy video demo: Enjoy!

New tutorials:
-How to draw Mecha Tentacles War Mechine.
-How to draw Mecha Anime Girl sketch.
-How to draw Batgirl
-How to Draw Iron Man (Speedpainting)
-How to Draw Batman
-How to Draw Joker
-How to Draw Hellboy
-How to draw girl or woman: Liz Sherman from Hellboy.
-Drawing Cloverfield Monster Creature
-Painting Snow Antarctic Mountain
More Face tutorials:
-Drawing and painting woman face 3/4 front view
Photoshop Tutorial:
-Photoshop: Making color palette for illustration
-Photoshop Work flow and Keyboard Short Cut or hotkeys
-Setting up Wacom Brush tool
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #1
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #2
Thanks for all the e-mails and comment guys!!!
Feel free to comment and if you have any question about how to draw and such. Do not hesitate to post any question, I will try my best to answer any question about art as much as possible.
ALSO if you want to see the BLOG update more often and not DISAPPEAR from the INTERNET, PLEASE help US DIGG, STUMBLE, TECHNORATI, send them to friend!!!!!
Speed painting of Kristin Kreuk as Chun Li. It actually took me about an two hours or so. This is a fast forward version: I will make more detail videos of three parts with narration in depth later. But for now enjoy the video Demo
Learn how to draw for comics, realistic, Cartoon, games, concept, illustration, anime, manga learn how step by step from drawing realistic face online lesson.
Music by Third Zombie Promo: Stazi
ビデオの描画方法をステップバイステップのチュートリアル:デッサンや絵画のデモ:クリスティンkreuk としては李天chunliの伝説です女性の顔を描く方法を学ぶの少女や女性の顔面や図のビデオチュートリアルです。
音楽のプロモーションで3番目ゾンビ: stazi
クリスティンkreukキャストとしては李天まで来るの映画"李天の伝説"私が本当に望むことはありませんが、ビデオゲームの大半がうざいとしては前に映画は… …ほら… …
Kristin Kreuk got cast as Chun Li in the up coming movie "Legend of Chun Li" I really hope it doesn't suck as most of video games that was made into movies are know... I will just keep m fingers cross.スピード絵画としてのクリスティンkreuk李天です。これは、実際に私には約2時間かそこらする。これは、早送りバージョン:私は3つの部分をより詳細にビデオのナレーションの後の深さです。しかし今のところ、ビデオを楽しむデモ
音楽のプロモーションで3番目ゾンビ: stazi
クリスティンkreukキャストとしては李天まで来るの映画"李天の伝説"私が本当に望むことはありませんが、ビデオゲームの大半がうざいとしては前に映画は… …ほら… …
Here is a final piece: (Click to enlarge)

Here is a speedy video demo: Enjoy!
New tutorials:
-How to draw Mecha Tentacles War Mechine.
-How to draw Mecha Anime Girl sketch.
-How to draw Batgirl
-How to Draw Iron Man (Speedpainting)
-How to Draw Batman
-How to Draw Joker
-How to Draw Hellboy
-How to draw girl or woman: Liz Sherman from Hellboy.
-Drawing Cloverfield Monster Creature
-Painting Snow Antarctic Mountain
More Face tutorials:
-Drawing and painting woman face 3/4 front view
Photoshop Tutorial:
-Photoshop: Making color palette for illustration
-Photoshop Work flow and Keyboard Short Cut or hotkeys
-Setting up Wacom Brush tool
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #1
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #2
Thanks for all the e-mails and comment guys!!!
Feel free to comment and if you have any question about how to draw and such. Do not hesitate to post any question, I will try my best to answer any question about art as much as possible.
ALSO if you want to see the BLOG update more often and not DISAPPEAR from the INTERNET, PLEASE help US DIGG, STUMBLE, TECHNORATI, send them to friend!!!!!
This image also got me excited for this film
Way to go!!! Thanks!
jay>> Thanks
Mynando>> Thanks
I stumbled upon your blog and I am glad I did, your work is amazing!!
Fantasy art Muse
It's kind of a surprise to have a web-marketer visiting us. I will have to pick your brain on the subject. Keep in touch.
Oh! What's good marketing blog the visit? Do you have any advice?
I usually read Seth Godin and Chris Anderson but I would love to explore more.
Great day to you, and thanks for visiting...and see you soon.
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