Environmental design tutorial outdoor cool color scheme. How to create environmental concept design Landscape video tutorial. Draw and paint valleys environmental concept scene digital painting technique video demo. This step by step video show you from lay down the basic shapes and values, blocking in shape, assign colors and create depth of field for early stage conceptual design for video game, comics, anime, movie.
BTW: I also use the free "Tree Brushes" download from Brusheezy.
Tip of the day: (Digital painting) You should paint 2 to 3 times the of the final size.
Final image of Sunset Fog Valley:

Here are step by step process:
1) I start off with rough random shapes with some blurry shape of valley, I really have no visual image set in stone at the moment, totally random.

2) Blocking in shapes and try to make sense of it.

3) Define depth and separate three visual elements.

4) Introducing color scheme into the sketch.

5) More refinement.


Watch video tutorial how to paint Outdoor Fog Valley:
Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet
(new from Wacom!) Economy for everyone.
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS4
(Professional software)
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.
New tutorials:
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-How to draw a woman
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-Painting portrait profile or side view
-Painting portrait 3/4 view

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-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie
** If you have any basic questions or specific please looked up Q/A section. Most of the time your questions has already been answered in Q/A.
If you need any help or support you can
-post questions or comment on the post (seems to be the fastest way to get response)
BTW: I also use the free "Tree Brushes" download from Brusheezy.
Tip of the day: (Digital painting) You should paint 2 to 3 times the of the final size.
Final image of Sunset Fog Valley:

Here are step by step process:
1) I start off with rough random shapes with some blurry shape of valley, I really have no visual image set in stone at the moment, totally random.
2) Blocking in shapes and try to make sense of it.
3) Define depth and separate three visual elements.
4) Introducing color scheme into the sketch.
5) More refinement.
Watch video tutorial how to paint Outdoor Fog Valley:
Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS4
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.
New tutorials:
-Draw Female spy comics style
-How to draw witch hunter
-How to draw a woman
-How to draw Manga female character
-Draw Metal Gear girl assassin.
-Drawing Manga woman face, hair, and torso
-Painting portrait front view
-Painting portrait profile or side view
-Painting portrait 3/4 view
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie
** If you have any basic questions or specific please looked up Q/A section. Most of the time your questions has already been answered in Q/A.
If you need any help or support you can
-post questions or comment on the post (seems to be the fastest way to get response)
Anyhow just for those who didn't know if you have the canvas positioned like this, its called "landscape".
If its standing its called portrait.
I downloaded those brushes but when I tried to open them with Photoshop I was told that they are not compatible with my photoshop version (I've got the CS2)... Don't know why!
Anyways... regarding to these environmental drawings, I believe one needs experience; and experience comes from practice! At least this is my theory... I have to watch more reference and observe more!
Thanks again!
Tip of the day: (Digital painting) You should paint 2 to 3 times the of the final size.
"2 to 3 times" What does that mean?
Luca> I just post the video tutorial on how to install PS brushes on twitter yesterday. Got check it out.
dahaca> I know, it;s been a while. It means if your final is 700 x 500 then you should work on the size of at least 1400 x 1000. Or 2100 x 1500
Multiply is what I meant.
I have a question about layers and the process of working with them. Is that scene right there layered in more than one layer?
One thing that also interests me is the opacity of the brush you draw with, or how the opacity of your brush changes throughout the whole painting process.
Thanks :)
Tibor> snow> Tips: If you want you digital drawing or sketch to look more like pencil, then do not use 100% black. Use only in between 75% to 90% depending on how dark you want it. Then I start of rough using 30% 50% opacity, then 100% opacity. For sketching alone, you are right, I only use hard edge.
Then when I lay down big block of value (different layer, but then I use soft edge ERASER. :)
Thanks for the comment guys! :)
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