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Digital Painting tutorial video from Richard Anderson

Digital Painting tutorial video from Richard Anderson the second tutorial. As you guys request! Rich has been working hard on the new tutorial and now it is finish! Thanks to all you guys that e-mail him feedback and comment after his first video tutorial released. Now he is back with all the new tool and approach to conceptual or visual design for cinematic and illustration.

And wait, did I say this time his tutorial is about 3 hours long even with speed up?
Let me just say, it's even more BADASS than the previous ones.

"Hi all, first of, thanks for all the support and welcome to everyone here. In this tutorial you will learn my method on beginning black and white sketch and taking it to finish color illustration. I’ll show you how I create a Forest environment by using texture and brush creation. It will show you how I create my color palettes and over all look and feel to my environment paintings, paint textures etc. I’ll go through on how to create forms from shapes and quick tricks to get the most out of your tools. Included is a 20 min brush creation tutorial with voice over that will show step by step brush creation. Also included is a .abr brush file showing a few of the brushes I created in the tutorial along with several others you see me use in the illustration tutorial. Photoshop file with all layers included to help with following my process." -Richard Anderson

Here is the final image of what he's been cooking for you guys.
concept art environmental tutorial

Enjoy the tasty art.

 digital painting video tutorials


Unknown said…
I loved the previous session with Richard Anderson. I'm so much looking forward to enjoy this one. The preview of the final painting/illustration is very cool - as all mr. Anderson's art. Just waiting for the link to buy the tutorial...
Kevin said…
Can't wait for the new video, preview image looks great!
pokepetter said…
I bet you were ready to post this yesterday but had to wait to be taken seriously. Anyways, that picture is really cool. It's kinda funny you posting here before him even posing on his own blog though.
me9a7 said…
man i feel left out without any excess to paypal and stuff :(
Kigen said…
Yeah, this is my new desktop picture. The color in this is amazing and the ambience is really cool to look at. Great job man!
Luca said…
Wohoooo!!!! This is why I love you guys! thanks for doing another one - can't wait to get it.

Thank you Xia and Flaptraps!
Luca Cauchi said…
Downloading.... I'm really looking forward to watch it tomorrow! Here its almost midnight! :P

Oh and btw, well done for the new video!!! Awesome to see you took the time to make some traditional work. Keep it up, you're helping alot of artists brother - including me in the first place.

Thank you for taking the time to produce these, sir!
flaptraps said…
Hey guys and gals, just wanted to say thanks a lot! and i hope you enjoyed the tutorial. and i hope it helped, i'll be covering more stuff soon.

me9a7- sorry man im just setting up the google pay soon! for sure for the next one it will be taken care of!