Learn how to draw face and paint portrait girl woman or female facial figure front view Video tutorial part 1. Learn how to from sketching, simple shape, face construction drawing to finish painted color illustration a character.
*This page and tutorial was written in 2007. If you land on this page looking to learn how to draw and paint portrait, you are on the right path. Though we would recommend the newer and fresher content up on the thumbnail selection on top of the blog. Or look at the bottom tool bar and check out what is new. A lot of portrait tutorials have been reworked to make it better and easier for you to learn in 2010 and 2011. Though you can still watch the tutorial below, the first is time-lapse painting. The second and third videos are actual digital painting , or more like shading, portrait tutorial demonstration with voice narration on them. Thank you for visiting. (update comment March, 2011) There are also more of newer portraits drawing tutorial go watch How to draw face, How to draw female face, How to draw realistic face and How to draw man face for comics.
Here is another portrait drawing and shading:

Watch the video tutorial How to draw and shade Portrait part 1 of 2
Portrait drawing part 2 of 2
Below are images for learning to draw portrait step by step to go along with the video.

Below are a quick portrait painting inspired by a movie so I used Natalie as a reference.
Natalie Portman is starring in "The Other Boleyn Girl" opposite Scarlett Johansson and Eric Bana.
The Other Boleyn Girl is a historical novel written by British author Philippa Gregory, based on the life of 16th-century aristocrat Mary Boleyn. Reviews were mixed; some said it was a brilliantly claustrophobic look at the palace life in Tudor England, while others weren't convinced.
Here is a final painting: (click to enlarge)

This one is SUPER FAST time-lapse digital painting.
See you guys soon, enjoy the tutorials.
Premium TUTORIALS: *Over 2 hours of video.

-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II
FREE download over 30 minutes of video tutorials
*This page and tutorial was written in 2007. If you land on this page looking to learn how to draw and paint portrait, you are on the right path. Though we would recommend the newer and fresher content up on the thumbnail selection on top of the blog. Or look at the bottom tool bar and check out what is new. A lot of portrait tutorials have been reworked to make it better and easier for you to learn in 2010 and 2011. Though you can still watch the tutorial below, the first is time-lapse painting. The second and third videos are actual digital painting , or more like shading, portrait tutorial demonstration with voice narration on them. Thank you for visiting. (update comment March, 2011) There are also more of newer portraits drawing tutorial go watch How to draw face, How to draw female face, How to draw realistic face and How to draw man face for comics.
Here is another portrait drawing and shading:
Watch the video tutorial How to draw and shade Portrait part 1 of 2
Portrait drawing part 2 of 2
Below are images for learning to draw portrait step by step to go along with the video.
Below are a quick portrait painting inspired by a movie so I used Natalie as a reference.
Natalie Portman is starring in "The Other Boleyn Girl" opposite Scarlett Johansson and Eric Bana.
The Other Boleyn Girl is a historical novel written by British author Philippa Gregory, based on the life of 16th-century aristocrat Mary Boleyn. Reviews were mixed; some said it was a brilliantly claustrophobic look at the palace life in Tudor England, while others weren't convinced.
Here is a final painting: (click to enlarge)

This one is SUPER FAST time-lapse digital painting.
See you guys soon, enjoy the tutorials.
Premium TUTORIALS: *Over 2 hours of video.
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II
FREE download over 30 minutes of video tutorials
Here are basic tutorial for human body:
-How to draw man body muscles
-How to draw body medium type version
-How to draw arm muscles side view
-Draw and sketch woman step by step
-How to draw woman body figure
-How to draw hands
-Drawing woman torso figure
-Drawing woman hip pelvis
pablo smith>> Thanks, look on cnet or myspace.
I am writing because I would like to express my joy ,when I see your art work.
Your portraits are wonderful.
I paint in pastels ,but I would like to try with computer.
Would you please tell me how long does it take to do portrait with computer software?
You can see my art work here http://piknosa00.redbubble.com/
I would be thankful for your response.
Kind regards
Tomas> sorry for the late reply, thanks for your kind words. I do both in tradition form (Graphite, Oil, Water Color), but digital is the easiest and fastest for me...and it's required for work.
a few hours should do if you have reference.
Keep up the good work, good luck!
Here is a link to the music :) The song is originally a soundtrack from the movie Amelie. The artist that made the remix is called Dj Muzzle.
Got any pointers for a beginning art student? :)
Beginner...life drawing class every week, draw from real life model. Draw then throw away then draw then throw away, keep a few good ones to compare what you will have in the next few months. Also watch as many video on this site as much as you can. Good luck, practice make perfect! :)
First of all, your work is really amazing, you got a realistic but so expressive treatment. Thanks too for this website almost daily updated and very usefull for many people.
I just wanted to ask you where i can find drawing brushes; not those "shapes" that we find on most sites(swirl, grunge etc...), but something more like charcoal, painting brush, to change the aspect of my drawing line.
Does it exists or i got to create my own stuff ?
Thanks, and keep the peach!
I've been browsing around your site for a couple months now... It inspired me to acquire both a drawing tablet and Photoshop CS3 ( though I'm not going to explain to you how I got that ;) ).
Anyways, I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on pure rendering using the Photoshop software. I try it and it comes out like one solid color over another. I cant seem to make texture look like texture... Maybe do a few of them! I've been drawing for the better part of my life but mostly in Pencil/Pen. When I began using the Tablet w/ Photoshop it was like starting all over again. My rendering tone and value looks like something out of a coloring book and I can never seem to get the opacity correct.
Also I was wondering if you could suggest a brush that would resemble skin pigmentation???
There are no such thing as brush that will resemble skin pigment. Im making a feature tutorial at the moment on portrait using just default round hard edge and soft edge...and they look great!
No such brush will make you a better artist, it's all about foundation. :)
Good luck
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